Welcome to Crochet Cupcakes!

Hi there! And a big WELCOME to Crochet Cupcakes!  Thanks for visiting!

I love to crochet.  It's my creative outlet, my art, and my therapy.  I make things for me, I make things for my family, I make things for my friends.  

See, I've been crocheting for over 20 years.  I got started when I was just a little girl.  

See, we got these new neighbors - a young couple with a baby - and the lady of the family showed me how to create a potholder with just one stitch.  Single crochet.  

I was hooked (pun intended!)

Over the years I've made blankets, stuffed animals, soft toys, scarves, gloves, bags, doilies...you name it, I've probably made it.

I love to work up quick blankets and not-so-quick doilies.  My most recent projects include a (finished!) doily for my soon-to-be mother-in-law and a granny square blanket that's taken me much longer than I care to admit.  Good thing it's meant for me!

I hope you'll grab your favorite beverage and stay awhile.  Let's have a nice long visit!

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